Monday, 21 July 2014

I did it!

It's going to be a very short post just to let you know that I did complete my challenge :-) I cycled solo, unsupported about 250 miles in 3 days. I cycled from Caen in France to Paris in two days and from London to Portsmouth in one day. It was an amazing journey. Easier in some places and harder in others but overall I surprised myself. It didn't feel a struggle at any point, I enjoyed it so much and it has left me with a great feeling of achievement :-)

I would like to apologize for lack of updates. Whilst on the trip I was only sending short messages to Facebook and at the weekend I was recovering! I will write a story of my adventure, but unfortunately I'm not one of those writers to whom words just flow and I always do need a bit of time to put words together, but I will try my best not to take too long.

Up to this point I have collected over £900 (excluding money from the Polish Shops).  However it's not too late to still donate. Message me or use the donate button or bid on an item in the Facebook auction.  THANK YOU!

Udało się! Zrobiłam to! Przejechałam prawie 400 km w trzy dni. Przepedałowałam z Caen we Francji do Paryża w dwa dni a później z Londynu do Portsmouth w jeden. Była to wspaniała podróż. Było łatwiej i trudniej ale całościowo zaskoczyłam sama siebie. Cała wyprawa była przyjemonością i dała mi poczucie osobistego zwycięstwa. :-)

Chciałabym także przeprosić za brak bierzących informacji na blogu. Z wyprawy wysyłałam tylko krótkie wiadomości na Facebooka a w weekend, po powrocie, musiałam zregenerować siły. Relację z wyprawy napiszę jak najszybciej mi się uda. Jak już może wspominałam pisanie nie jest moją mocną stronę i zazwyczaj zajmuje mi trochę czasu ale napiszę na pewno. :-)

Do tej pory zabrała trochę ponad £900 (nie licząc pieniędzy ze sklepowych puszek). Jednak nie jest za późno jeśli ktoś chciałby jeszcze dołożyć się do mojego projektu. Można kontaktować się ze mną, skorzystać z donate button na blogu bądź wylicytować którąś z pozycji na facebooko'wej aukcji. Zapraszam i DZIĘKUJĘ!

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Few days to go

It's only a few days to go. This time next week I will hopefully be finishing my Evreux - Paris distance :-) and will be able to send you a selfie with the Eiffel Tower ;-)

My bike is ready to go! I have been very lucky as it has been maintained by the great guys at Bicycle Recycling who offered a free check (without the parts) as a donation to my ride! Thank you very much! Excellent service and I recommend them to anyone. If you need your bike to be fixed or simply want to get a bike! This is the place to go! 

I'm going to ride on my mountain bike which is a little bit heavy, but I don't want to make it too easy for myself going on some super light road bike ;-) However I did change my tyres for road ones. I have also replaced the chain and rear cassette, replaced gear cables with new ones. checked that the brakes are working properly and fitted a new saddle.

Now I need to get myself ready. Make a check list of everything I need to remember. And there is one more thing I need to do: shake off the cold I caught few days ago. It's not great timing, is it? But I'm trying to look after myself as much as I can to be in top shape for Monday!  

I will let you know how the packing is going and how I feel just before my departure. 

For now I would like to share something with you - Today I got the title "Person of York", even though I don't live in York! . The title comes from Doris who lives in York and writes a blog about interesting people from the region but sometimes she makes exceptions and writes about someone from outside her county. Thank you Doris for finding my story interesting and worth sharing with your readers 

Doris is also launching her new blog about female cycling

Both are written only in Polish but I hope it's not a huge problem these days if you really want to read something 

Thank you all! :-)

Friday, 4 July 2014

Professional Photography Session by Paul Thurlow

I want to welcome you to this fantastic offer:

Professional photography session by Paul Thurlow will be offered to anyone who will make a donation over £50! 

Profesjonalna sesja fotograficzna wykonana przez Paula Thurlow dla każdego kto przekaże £50 lub więcej na moją akcje

Here is message from Paul:

Paul Thurlow: If you have asked me to provide a raffle prize in the past, I would be grateful. if you could donate whatever you can to assist Agnes on her bike ride. The school is a big part of my Wife's (Kasia Thurlow) life as it is Agnes's. It is a non profit charity and provides a cultural and learning service to families in Portsmouth. Everybody deserves a chance in life to learn and adapt socially in the country they live in and the one they have left. Any donation over £50 will receive an offer for a family or personal photoshoot in Portsmouth or Southsea with a selection of images on disc to keep to print. You will be getting £300 worth of goods for £50. Many Thanks

Thank you very much Paul! Dziękujemy bardzo Paul!

Here are few photos from Paul but check out his website for more.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Poetic and linguistic challenge

Inspired by a new poem I found I came up with a challenge for you. 

All Polish people know poem "Lokomotywa" ("Locomotive") by Julian Tuwim. I have recently came across poem by Marcin Brykczyński "Rower" ("Bike") which is based on Tuwim's "Lokomotywa". What I have also found that Lokomotywa has been translated into English and translated very well, I think. And I have been wondering if there is anyone out there who would take up the challenge to translate "Bike" by Marcin Brykczyński? I really hope that there would be at least one or two of you who would try.

Good Luck!

I, to make it more easy for you, have already translated the title